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Celestron StarSense AutoAlign Module

StarSense AutoAlign: This technology is revolutionizing amateur astronomy!

With azimuth-mounted telescopes, thanks to StarSense, alignment is possible without GPS, without entering coordinates, without aligning and leveling to north, and without cumbersome star positioning. Within three minutes, the telescope is ready for use without user intervention, without prior knowledge of stars and astronomy. Just turn it on, wait three minutes, and you can zoom in on all celestial objects with the touch of a button!

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receive it in usually 7 to 9 working days

The StarSense module also brings great benefits when combined with equatorial mounts. A polar adjustment is still required, but with Celestron's new "AllStar" procedure, this can be done on every star in a few minutes! Simply enter the location and time, select the star from the database and move towards it, then use the azimuth and altitude adjustment to bring it into the crosshairs. Finish! After that, StarSense can use the fully automatic "3 minute plate resolution process" to set the exact orientation without any additional user input, just like with azimuth mounts. The cumbersome and tedious focusing and centering of guide stars is no longer necessary.

Another advantage of StarSense is the extreme improvement in positioning accuracy using the T-Point method. Similar to some high-end mounts, you can "map" any number of stars, that is, zoom in on them, place them exactly in the middle of the scope, and confirm the exact position with "Enter". From ten mapped stars (which should be distributed throughout the visible part of the sky), the positioning accuracy becomes extreme.

The secret to StarSense technology is a small camera module that attaches to the telescope like a viewfinder. It takes 3 wide angle photos of different areas of the starry sky, the StarSense handheld controller analyzes these photos and uses them to calculate the position of the other objects in the starry sky. This is the first time Celestron has brought this professional technology, known as "plate resolve," to market at a price affordable to amateur astronomers.

The StarSense Module comes with the StarSense Hand Controller.

The StarSense module can be used on almost all azimuth and equatorial mounts with GoTo technology from the last 10 years, for example, Nex-Star GPS series telescopes.

Also included in delivery: two finder bases, suitable for the small dovetail rail of Celestron/Vixen/Skywatcher telescopes, or suitable for large Schmidt-Cassegrain.

The StarSense hand controller replaces the previous hand controller. It offers the same features plus StarSense alignment and multi-star calibration for one mount model. Like the NexStar hand controller, the StarSense hand controller can also list various objects by catalog or be used to connect to a PC..


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