UV filter Optolong Venus
The U Venus filter makes it possible to take images (CCD, DSLR, Video) in the ultraviolet spectrum and thus make cloudy structures visible in the atmosphere of Venus. Many cameras are sensitive to wavelengths between 350 and 1100 nm. The filter lets through light between approximately 320 and 400 nm (UV). However, your camera must not have a UV/IR blocking filter, otherwise the light it lets through would be blocked a priori. Some refracting lenses also block ultraviolet radiation. So: the ideal telescopes are Newtons and RCs.
The benefits at a glance:
Allows to photograph Venus in the UV spectrum
It has a multilayer anti-reflective treatment.
Optical precision polishing to 1/4 lambda on both sides of the substrate
Attention, this filter must never be used only to observe the Sun!
Attention, this filter must never be used only to observe the Sun!